Saturday, September 22, 2007

Stop! Look and Listen -- Multimedia Systems exhibition

Want to interact with a waterfall, probe a brain for memories, or talk
with a therapist made of pins?

Every year students participating in the M.Sc. in Multimedia Systems
Programme at Trinity College collaborate to create exciting and
innovative projects for display to the general public. This year is no
different, with students producing interactive environments that
explore the diverse nature of multimedia.

26th - 30th September, Regent House, Trinity College, Dublin 2.

More details

Gormley sculpture for Liffey inspired by Weaire-Phelan structure

The Dublin Docklands have recently announced a giant sculptural commission for the Liffey by Anthony Gormley inspired by the bubble-matrix structure discovered by physicist and SEED salon habitué Professor Denis Weaire with Robert Phelan. This structure is the most efficient form of foam yet discovered. More art-science-technology projects are in the pipeline with the Dublin Docklands including a visit by Australian performance artist STELARC in November.

Read more about the Docklands commission
Read more about the Weaire-Phelan structure

Constant Light -- Sean Hillen wins Omagh commission

Artist and SEED member Sean Hillen, working with landscape architect Desmond Fitzgerald, has recently been awarded the commission to develop the Omagh Bomb memorial with a piece entitled Constant Light using mirrors tracking the sun to pour 31 sunbeams (one for each victim of the Omagh bombing) onto a heart in a large glass pillar marking the site of the blast.

Read more about the project
